Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation, the local nonprofit corporation that holds the state gaming license in Greene County, distributed almost $1.2 million in grants at its 6th annual Awards Night, held in-person Tuesday evening at the Greene Room at Wild Rose Jefferson. Of the total, $258,000 was in competitive grants, with Greene County Ambulance receiving […]
Tags: awards, Grand Junction, Greene County Ambulance, Greene County Historical Society, Grow Greene awards, PatonGreeneCountyNewsOnline – April 1, 2019 A new Greene County animal facility and dog park got a bit closer to becoming a reality and the Jefferson fire department will be able to keep up with state-mandated changes in radio equipment with grants awarded by Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation at its fourth annual Awards Night, held […]
Tags: Animal Facility, Churdan, Churdan Park, Dana, Genesis Development, Grand Junction, Greene County Community Foundation, Greene County Community Schools, Greene County Historical Society, History Boy Theatre, Jefferson, Jefferson Fire Dept., Paton, Paton-Churdan Schools, Rippey, Scranton, Scranton Community Center