The grant application cycle for 2025 is now open.
All applicants should be aware that their applications, and any required supporting materials, become public documents after submission. Non-profit organizations will need a letter of designation as a tax-exempt organization from the IRS, and a current Certificate of Existence from the Iowa Secretary of State stating that the applicant is an active Iowa non-profit. If the applicant organization files a federal IRS 990 or 990-N tax return, Grow Greene County may ask for a copy.
A copy of the resolution or minutes approving the project by the governing board of the project must be submitted with the grant.
Letters or documentation confirming matching funds, on the letterhead of the funding source, would be appreciated.
If you submitted a grant in 2024 the same process will be followed, you can log in and start a 2025 Competitive Grant Application.
Questions are welcome at any time. We encourage you to email them to [email protected] they will be answered periodically throughout the week and most commonly on Thursdays.
The grant application must be submitted prior to 4:00 PM on February 20, 2025
The minimum grant request to Grow Greene County is $35,000. Grants less than $35,000 must be submitted to the Greene County Community Foundation:
Competitive grant awards are made once per year in April. Representatives must attend the Grow Greene County Awards Night on April 1, 2025 in the evening and must acknowledge Grow Greene County in project publicity & marketing related to the project for which they receive funds.
Grant recipients are required to complete a Grant Reporting Form by December 15th of the year funding is received and subsequent years until the project is completed. If they fail to do this the recipients may not be eligible for future Grow Greene County grants.