GreeneCountyNewsLine – April 19, 2020 Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation provides assistance to Greene County during COVID-19 Grow Greene County held its annual awards night on April 7 but the board quickly moved to exploring how they could assist in immediate needs arising from COVID-19 throughout the county. This pandemic has made a huge impact […]
Tags: #GreeneCountyCares, COVID, Food Bank of Iowa, Greene County Community Schools, Greene County Development Corporation, Greene County Public Health, Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community, Paton-Churdan SchoolsGreeneCountyNewsOnline article – April 8, 2020 In past years, Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation, the local nonprofit corporation that holds the state gaming license in Greene County, has held a festive event at the Greene Room at Wild Rose Casino to distribute charitable funds generated by gaming at Wild Rose. This year, which will be […]
Tags: Churdan, Dana, Early Learning Center, Grand Junction, Greene County Community Foundation, Greene County Community Schools, Greene County Development Corporation, Greene County Medical Center, Grow Greene awards, Jefferson, Paton, Paton-Churdan Schools, Rippey, ScrantonRaccoon Valley Radio – October 31, 2019 The non-profit gaming license holder for Wild Rose Casino and Resort in Jefferson recently made a pledge for funds to be used on a project. Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation (GGCGC) donated $60,000 to Greene County Development Corporation (GCDC) for an engineering study to be done on the […]
Tags: 3 block project, Greene County Development CorporationGreeneCountyNewsOnline – April 4, 2018 Transforming the Rippey in gymnasium into a fire station and city maintenance shed is closer to becoming reality with an $80,000 grant from Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation. The grant was the largest competitive grant awarded at Grow Greene County’s third annual Awards Night April 3 at Wild Rose Casino […]
Tags: Arch Alley, Churdan, Dana, Grand Junction, Greene County Community Foundation, Greene County Development Corporation, Jefferson, Jefferson Park & Rec, Paton, Paton walking trail, Paton-Churdan Schools, Rippey, Rippey Fire Station & City Shed, Scranton, Scranton Shelter HouseRaccoon Valley Radio – April 5, 2016 Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation gave away $900,354 in grants to 24 recipients at their first-ever ceremony at Wild Rose in Jefferson. GGCGC received five percent of the adjusted gross revenue from Wild Rose as the non-profit gaming license holder to distribute to worthy projects and entities. The […]
Tags: Bell Tower Community Foundation, Churdan, Churdan Public Library, Dana, Genesis Development, Grand Junction, Greene County Community Foundation, Greene County Conservation, Greene County Development Corporation, Greene County Medical Center, Jefferson, Jefferson Fire Dept., Paton, Rippey, Scranton