Vote Yes on Nov. 2

Vote Yes on Nov. 2
October 05, 2021

Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation’s board of directors is working hand in hand with Wild Rose Jefferson as they encourage Greene County citizens to vote yes on Nov. 2.  Grow Greene is the non-profit that holds the license for the casino in Jefferson and distributes the funds to projects. Iowa law requires counties hold a renewal referendum eight years after the first one.  Greene County’s initial one took place in 2013, so this vote will take place Nov. 2, 2021.  This will be the final time a referendum is needed.  The first vote passed with 75% approval so we hope to replicate that with this vote.

Grow Greene County receives about $1.5 M annually from the casino which represents 5% of the adjusted gaming receipts.  Annual contributions are made to each of the seven municipalities in Greene County allocated by population.  Each city council uses these funds at their own discretion.  Both Greene County Community Schools and Paton-Churdan School receive annual funding for their choice of projects.  The Greene County Community Foundation receives funding to award to projects under $35,000.  Greene County Development Corporation is funded for economic development projects.  Each of the six contiguous counties receives annual funding to their own community foundations for projects in their own counties, many of them known as Grow Greene County projects.  The Grow Greene County board then has several hundred thousand dollars left to award for projects submitted through the application process.

Greene County needs more young families.  Our vision statement is “Positively growing Greene County for families and businesses to thrive”. Many of the projects in these past years have supported that effort.   Areas where funding has been awarded are educational & community  facilities, recreation, arts & culture, public safety & health, children, animal welfare & Covid relief.  Please see the awards given under the Past Awards tab on this website.

From the first disbursement in 2016 to date, Grow Greene County has received and distributed over $9M.  Wild Rose Jefferson has paid over $5M in property taxes and gaming payments to the City of Jefferson and Greene County Supervisors.  This is significant.

How can you help?

  • Put a Vote Yes sign at your home or business.  Signs are available at The Welcome Center in Jefferson and the City Halls in each of the other communities.
  • Contact 20 of your friends & co-workers and make sure they get to the polls
  • Write a letter to the editor in support of the vote

Voting Info – Early voting at the auditor’s office begins on Oct. 13 and goes until Nov. 1.  Vote on Nov. 2 at your regular polling place from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.  Absentee ballot request forms are also available and need to be returned by Nov. 2.  See this link for more info on voting. Voting info

Thank you for your support on this referendum!


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